
A plateform for the exploration of structural features of RNA secondary structures.

Discovering function-related structural features, such as the cloverleaf shape of transfer RNA secondary structures, is essential to understand RNA function. With this aim, we have developed a platform, named Structurexplor, to facilitate the exploration of structural features in populations of RNA secondary structures. It has been designed and developed to help biologists interactively search for, evaluate and select interesting structural features that can potentially explain RNA functions.

Exploring your RNA secondary structures

Go to Structurexplor web application and start exploring your data.

Structurexplor web app. has been successfully tested on modern browsers: Firefox 50, Chrome 55 and Safari 10.

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How to cite StructureXploR (soon)


To run Structurexplor locally, the following packages are required: c(‘shiny’,’rmarkdown’,’devtools’,’shinydashboard’,’ape’,’rjson’,’jsonlite’, ‘pvclust’,’colorspace’,’DT’,’cluster’,’plyr’,’shinyjs’,’shinyBS’,’rCharts’, ‘BiocGenerics’,’Biostrings’)